It stands to reason that one of the founding partners would celebrate his 30 year anniversary at the same time the company celebrates its 30th anniversary. Thanks Dave!
All posts by MMY
MMY celebrates 30 years!
Mattson Macdonald Young is proud to have maintained it’s standards for excellence, reliability and humility for over 30 years! Since Wes Mattson and Dave Macdonald first partnered in their Uptown offices over the Rainbow Bar, MMY has grown, evolved and broadened its scope while maintaining a small business sensibility and commitment to every project, small and large.
3 Structural Engineers Make it Official
Tor Oksnevad, Kirk Davis and Shannon Pierce are now officially sanctioned by the state as they pass their Professional Engineering exams, earning P.E. licensure in the state of Minnesota.
Ken Green and Arlen Grant Commit to the Future of MMY
Ken Green and Arne Grant became Associate Partners at Mattson Macdonald Young in December of 2014. Ken and Arne have known each other for 30 years, so we are fortunate to have their (mostly) respectful camaraderie in the happy halls of MMY.