


  • Single-Family
  • Multi-Family


  • Office
  • Hospitality
  • Public
  • Historic Renovation
  • Medical
  • Education
  • Industrial
  • Churches
  • Park + Rec


  • Art + Sculpture
  • Renewable Energy Design Services
  • Connection Design
  • Equipment Design
  • Industrial Design Services

Whether it’s designing adaptive reuse of historic structures, educational institutions, single or multi-family residential, or retail/office space, MMY has the expertise and creativity to tackle a wide range of structural engineering designs. Projects range in size from a $50 million rehabilitation to a single beam design for a homeowner’s basement. Our strong track record of success allows us to quickly identify your needs and provide innovative solutions to your design challenges.


MMY works on a broad, comprehensive range of projects including housing, retail, office, churches, manufacturing, medical, education and government facilities. Our breadth and depth of expertise allows us to seamlessly move between new, existing and historic buildings and allows us to incorporate the structural design into the architectural vision. Some of our creative ideas have not only met and exceeded client needs they have also garnered a number of prestigious awards.